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Miyako's Rebirth (2nd part)

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Miyako's Rebirth (2nd part) Empty Miyako's Rebirth (2nd part)

Post by MIYAKO Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:45 pm

Hello Again my name is Miyako....

It feels strange finally written again after my said death. So much time has passed and so much has happened to me since joining with GreenCross. I have found myself travelling through time on various missions, witnessing some spectacular events. I should be happy of this fact I know it proves my research was accurate beyond any doubt yet I fell so disconnected from this place now. My body shakes as I remember the things I have seen. I have seen time collapse and fall in on it's self and shatter before me and continuously repeat over and over again as if it was trying to fix itself but events just kept happening the same just like the 1st time. I never knew what GreenCross's true intentions where until after I joined them and I understand why it is they rarely bring in an outsider like me into there world it is a strange life they live.

Some people think time travel is a way of undoing past mistakes, rewrite your own history and that. Sadly time is not that simple in how it works, I have seen them trying time and time again to alter past events to bring a better future but each time they change the past nothing happens in the present. They say it simply creates a new future for some alternative time line in a separate Dimension. Our time has already been written they say so it can't be changed all they can do is try to repair the Damage they had caused by fixing the past. I still don't grasp there sense of time they only a few hundred years old as a civilization but there technology is far more advance than that. I guess they could have gotten it from the future but I'v seen a mission with them attempting to travel forward in time so I am unsure if they even can do that. They go around different dimensions closing up fractures in time itself; they tell me it all because of The accident 50 years ago....

They let me return home today as I look around Sanctum smiling to myself with fond memories from my past. I slowly walk over to my fathers Shoe cleaning Shop it looks empty I guess business here must be dropping off since father is not around. I still smile to myself placing a French wine from Earth down by the side of the chair. Yeah I remember father saying how he loved that world as he called it his own being with GreenCross all this time I had a few missions to do on that planet and thought it wise to buy a few bottles while I was there. It's not a terribly exciting planet but it has a certain Charm about it. Maybe the place just reminded me of my father and that's why I enjoyed my time there. I know I was on missions there but I couldn't help but relax while I stayed there. I look around the quite shop before walking off towards the ship docks. I was going to meet Jake again after all this time I wondered to myself if he would even remember me but dismiss the thought he promised never to forget me. I'm sure he hasn't changed at all.

I find myself being taking to airship as I look around the place and it seems to be well maintained I think to myself Jake's not been doing to bad for himself as I remind myself of the cover story Vision had told me to use and tell Jake that I am the rebirth of Miyako and my new name is Miya... yeah does sound more believable than the truth. Not like he would believe the truth or even understand it... Yeah I wish I could just tell him the truth but who would believe me that I joined a group of people that time travel or that there actions in the past donft actually affect this particular time line. I was there and I still having a hard time believing it myself. I find a near by table and sit down on the stool nervously waiting for Jake as I start fidgeting with my hands. I'm just being silly I tell myself I got nothing to be nervous about after all we had a life together he cant of forgotten about that right? I hear footsteps in the distance and my eyes shot across the floor to see what it was when a see him walking through the entrance way.

I rush over to Jake smiling and feeling relived finally seeing him again as I swing my arms around him and hug to him tightly but Jake hardly seems to respond at all to me as I notice his eyes glaring down at me as my face quickly looses it smile as I look back into his eyes that show no emotion back towards me as I ask him what is wrong as I stop my hug and take a step back from Jake feeling as if I was a stranger now to him.

He doesn't think I'm Miyako and just some kind of illusion or trick and I become nervous and scared looking back at Jake could he really mean it? How could he not know it is me could he of truly forgotten who I am. I know I was gone for awhile but not long enough for him to of forgotten me surely? all these questions and doubts started filling my mind as I found myself trying to prove myself to him but unable to answer his questions truthfully as I knew the truth was even more unbelievable than the lie I was told to tell him but I feel Jake pulling himself away from me as he looked at me as if I didn't exist. I find myself shaking before Jake and before long I canft stand it any more and leave the airship clutching my chest as the tears rolled down my face. I can't believe he didn't except me any more and find myself unable to even face Jake feeling rejected and unwanted by him.

I find myself making my way to the manor and find myself alone as my footsteps echo though the empty corridors and I find myself heading over to the master bedroom as I look around knowing this is the place that GreenCross had helped me fake my own death as I look around and up at the chandelier getting a strange chill from it as this was the place where the fake me was hung and it felt strange looking at such a thing. I know she was just a clone of me but it felt wrong somehow. I guess to Jake this was really the last place he saw me alive and now I was dead to him. I guess I shouldn't have expected him to put his life on hold for me I just didn't really think that Jake would ever forget me as all he did say I live only for you... I bury my head into the sheets of the bed and softly cry into them knowing that in a way when the clone me had died so did Jake's love for me. I look around sad the manor remembering the old times me and Jake had here and how now the place felt so cold without him by my side.

Jake had come to me in person to tell me the truth I had already figured out. That it was over and he wanted nothing more to do with me as he left me with the Manor and what was left of the treasure in our vault. I knew this was coming yet his words sunk deep into my heart shattering it as I found myself lost and Jake walking away from me and myself powerless to stop him as he left me alone in the Manor as I heard the big heavy front door close and echo though the Manor as I stayed silent with my head against my knee's as I sat on the cold ground. These empty rooms and halls would echo even the smallest sound and it felt like it only made the place more empty and devoid of life for me as I leaned back and stared up at the chandelier above me thinking how it might of been better if the real me had died that day. I try shake the feeling off as thoughts of killing myself filled my head and this Manor was driving me crazy with its complete silence as I made my way out of the manor trying not to pay attention to the echo's of my feet against the ground as it felt like death was walking beside me trying to claim me as its next victim as the heavy door slams loudly behind me and death is left trapped inside.

Posts : 84
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Join date : 2013-02-22

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Miyako's Rebirth (2nd part) Empty Re: Miyako's Rebirth (2nd part)

Post by MIYAKO Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:45 pm

I find myself in Poeta looking across town I see Jake with another girl and they are laugh and smiling and I wonder if he is doing this to torture me as I clench my fist against my chest but I remain silent watching them as tears fall from my cheeks and on to the ground as I watch this girl getting closer to Jake, much closer than he will let me approach him.

I wait until they leave as I wipe the tears from my eyes and ask about the girl that was with Jake the people told me that Jake planned on marrying this girl and her name was Quixie a goddess of battle. My heart sank is that what Jake wanted a powerful woman at his side someone to go into battle with was I to weak for him is that why he left me... my head was spinning with these thoughts I had feared this would happen long ago as well. I known as a Mage I'm conceded handicapped now with my potential magic in electric, fire and Ice sealed away but I didn't think Jake would not want to see me any more because I had become weak...

Lost in thought I find myself travelling to Sanctums Library and I find myself relaxing A little as I feel comforted by the books surrounding me and find myself at a lose for what to read. I stare up at the many books thinking something to make me stronger so Jake would accept me again. I start looking towards the back of the library where the books where old and hardly touched it was an area of the library that I was actually scared of the forbidden section. These books where kept simply because of there historical value, I had read every book in this library perhaps two or three times over but I had stayed away from this section until now... I find a book on summoning and decide to take it as I was already familiar with such things as invoking and teleportation. I figured summoning was the next step but for now I find myself leaving the library and heading back to the Manor.

I start reading through the book and dismissing one summon after another most where requiring the use of elemental magic in order to control them but I had lost half of my elements already... there where even summons for dragons.... I sighed knowing a dragon was powerful and all but it had cost me dearly to use such a power before and I didn't really like the idea of losing the rest of my magic to a dragon... I start losing hope as I flip through the pages and come across a summoning spell for a Demon.

I start getting nervous as I look down at the types of demons I could summon, I knew that summoning a Demon could be bad and most would simply be some strange beast that could not be controlled but I came across a blood Demon, looks human in form and conceded excellent warriors in battle. They seem to be peaceful accept the fact they survive by drinking blood, but by drinking blood these Demons had managed to keep there sanity and as long as they are feed well they donft seem to cause trouble... although this book is old and the bottom half of the page is unreadable....

I think as long as I keep the demon fed then I don't really need to know about the bottom half so I go outside and catch myself a pig as I plunge a Dagger into its neck as it sprays blood against the ground and falls over as I turn away not used to seeing an animal die and turn back when I could hear it no longer struggle. I bleed the pig over a large silver platter as I struggle to transfer the blood into a few small flasks. Unsure how much a blood Demon would need to drink and scared it might not be enough... I wasn't even sure if animal blood was good enough. I go and wash myself and change into a new set of clothes.

I set everything up for the ritual summoning and then perform it. when I finish the ritual the ground in front of me turns black and strange black mist flows from what I believe to be summoning portal as something starts to rise up from the Mist as sparks of lightning shoot around it as I see a red headed girl appear from it with her arms folded like a bat and her eyes closed as the mist slowly vanishes and she opens her eyes as the glow brightly at me as stares towards me and I shake from fear as I hold up a flask filled with blood as I whisper to myself "please donft kill me". she looks down at the blood and then bends over me as I feel her hand running down my back and shiver as I watch her other hand grasp hold of the flask and lift it up to her lips and sips it and I feel her hand stroking against my hair as I let out a sigh in relief.

She sits down with me on the floor and sips on the flask of blood
I gave her as she takes it away from her lips and uses her hand to lift up my chin as she stares into my frightened faced as I notice her eyes are not glowing any more and she seems to be wearing a warm smile upon her face as introduces herself "hello my name Flux and what might your name be?"
I find myself relaxing a bit more as she seems to be friendly and in a quite voice I reply "my name is ... Miya no call me Miyako please" I smile warmly back at her but I still cant help my hands from shaking as think back to where I found the book.

The are reasons those books are forbidden after all right I think to myself as I find myself becoming a little nervous again. Flux looks at me with a somewhat puzzled look on her face as she keeps her hand under my chin stopping me from breaking eye contact as she asks me "what is you seek with me?.. You don't seem like the kind of person that wants to rule the world or anything. Maybe you like me to kill someone for you?.." flux looked even more puzzled than before and seemed deep in thought about something as she ran her eyes up and down my body trying to figure out what it was I wanted.
I reply to question as best as I could giving that I was still pretty nervous after all she was a demon "No nothing like that... I want to be strong...h I lower my gaze downward as I say it realizing how much of a childish request it most seem for a demon to want strength.
"You're kidding me right? It must be a joke you want strength from me? Well that's nice to hear actually" Flux scratching her head seemed even more puzzled and amused at what I was asking from her. She covered over her mouth and gave a little chuckle at me as if I was child or something as she placed her hand on top of my head and rubbed it messing up my hair.
I had seemed to forgot my fear of her myself and smiled slightly back at her as I replied "Hey don't make fun of me... it's important to me. I want to be strong"
I slip back into a more casual sitting position that helped me to feel more comfortable around her. "I don't mean to be rude or anything but you don't seem to be the type that needs power all that much." she would look from left to right looking at the manor and then back to me.
"I guess it might seem that way but I want power for a good reason. You see... well Jake he likes strong women..." I start to blush and turn my head slightly from Flux.
Flux looks at Miyako still with a puzzled look "...Alright. So let me get this right... you summoned a demon to work out your love life?...and I thought I heard every whacked out request a human could ask a demon but this a first for me" Flux smiles back at me and turns her head off to the side and starts snickering and ends up bursting into a fit of laughter as she holds her stomach and wipes a tear from her eye as she laughs so hard. I end up going a bright deep red feeling really embarrassed as she bursts out in laughter and I start to rise to my feet when she turns back and grabs a hold of my hand and pulls me back down.

"OK! OK!!! I'm sorry but that is a funny request to ask of me. I'm more used to the whole doom and gloom thing but sure I guess it cant be that hard after all getting you and this uhmmmm jack?" says flux
"No its Jake" I correct her
"Yeah whatever well this Jake then I'll make sure to help you with him and if he doesn't except you I can still kill him for you if you like" she smiled at this.
She almost looked proud of the fact that unsettled me as I just nervously laughed back at her.

Posts : 84
GC : 4
Join date : 2013-02-22

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